When we first started Glints, we were living and working out of a shophouse (known locally in Indonesia as a “ruko”). Here...
People Operations
People Operations (you probably know this better as “Human Resources”) is the art & science of attracting, nurturing & retaining some of the brightest and most promising people to Glints. Read our open People Operations policies here.
Leave That Degree At The Door On The Way In
Recently, a friend of mine and one whose views I take a fair bit of interest in, Jeraldine, blogged about the pros and cons of studying at a private university in Singapore. Then, another fellow blogger, Alex Liang, shared his views in response to one of his readers & Jeraldine, sharing that “issuing degrees through external programmes [...]
Qin EnOn Firing
Firing is as important as hiring. It is impossible to build a company without letting go of people, as difficult as the decision is. Those who have been in relationships will know that when there are problems, the right action is not give up on the relationship right away, but to communicate openly and work on changes together. However, if [...]
Oswald Yeo