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Surveyor Staff (Denpasar)

IDR3.100.000 - 3.600.000/Bulan
Kontrak · Kerja di kantor
Minimal Sarjana (S1)
Pengalaman kurang dari 1 tahun
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Kerja di kantor
Pengalaman kurang dari 1 tahun
Minimal Sarjana (S1)
18-25 tahun



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Deskripsi pekerjaan Surveyor Staff (Denpasar) Pt. Asuransi Raksa Pratikara

  1. Pendidikan minimum SMA
  2. Maksimal berusia 25 Tahun.
  3. Memiliki minimal SIM C dan SIM A dapat mengendarai motor maupun mobil dengan baik (Diutamakan yang memiliki motor pribadi).
  4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik agar dapat membina relationship terhadap orang lain.
  5. Berpenampilan rapi dan sopan
  6. Memiliki ketertarikan dan minat untuk bekerja di bidang lapangan.
  7. Siap untuk dapat ditugaskan di wilayah Denpasar

Tugas dan tanggung jawab:
  1. Melakukan Survey di lapangan ( di Kantor / Bengkel / lokasi kejadian / kantor Kepolisian) dan membuat foto serta catatan atas kerusakan kendaraan Tertanggung yang mengalami kerusakan parah / kehilangan.
  2. Mengisi data klaim kendaraan dan hasil survey pada menu CPM (Claim Process Management).
  3. Melakukan survey dan penyelidikan di lapangan,
  4. Memberikan penjelasan kepada Tertanggung mengenai prosedur / proses pengajuan klaim berikut dokumen dokumen pendukung yang diperlukan.
  5. Meminta dan mengingatkan kepada Tertanggung mengenai dokumen klaim total loss yang belum lengkap.
Tentang Perusahaan
Asuransi Raksa Pratikara was established in 1975 and conducts business operation based on the motto “Prudent and Trusted”. Our service qualities are enshrined in our professional, reliable, experienced and conscientious staff. Armed with the latest innovative insurance knowledge, we are constantly prepared to deliver high quality insurance services to our clientele. Our services comprise 23 offices nation-wide in Indonesia supported by the latest information technology. Communications among branches are performed through on-line network. Driven by the customers trust built up over the years, we never stop endeavoring to improve the quality of our services. As a testimony to our commitment to quality service, we implemented 24-hour customer service and free car-towing service within the Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi area in 2003. Having gained wide acclaim from customers, the free car-towing service was expanded to the area of Bandung and Surabaya. In 2004, we once again materialized our commitment to the enhancement of customer satisfaction by launching Raksa Gold Club (RGC), which provides dedicated services to motor-car policy holders with sum-insured of and above US$ 70,000. No efforts have been spared to ensure our best services to our customers. In 2005, we created Raksa Emergency Quick Service (REQS) rendering quick assistance to customers encountering emergency on the road, such as flat tires and car engine failure. Following the success of Raksa Gold Club, we achieved another milestone in upgrading our claim service by launching Raksa Silver Club (RSC) which is specifically aimed at pampering customers with motor insurance coverage below US$ 70,000. The advent of RSC brings in a new touch in insurance world which distinguishes Asuransi Raksa Pratikara from other insurers. Under our claim service motto “MUCAK” (Mudah, Cepat, Akrab which is translated as Easy, Fast, Friendly) all customers visiting RSC will enjoy relaxing ambience and affable claim service.
Alamat kantor
Wisma BSG 3rd Floor Abdul Muis no 40, Central Jakarta

Tips Aman Cari Kerja

Pemberi kerja yang benar tidak akan meminta akun Telegram, top-ups atau pembayaran dalam bentuk apapun. Jangan berikan kontak pribadi, informasi bank, maupun kartu kredit kamu.

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Surveyor Staff (Denpasar)