Store Manager
Tunjangan dan keuntungan
Hadiah & Voucher
We believe that every contribution you make, big or small, counts and deserves appreciation. For your hard work, we show recognition through delightful gifts and vouchers that you can use to treat yourself.
Perjalanan gratis
We understand that commuting for work costs you money, time, and energy. For that reason, we can provide you with travel accommodations and allowances so you can focus on what's important. No need to worry about travel expenses.
Makanan & minuman gratis
Avoid wasting time and energy to buy food at the restaurant or hawker center by yourself. We'll provide the best food for you and your team. Make better use of your valuable time to rest, bond, and do other things that matter to you.
Acara team-building
Our company simply cannot function well without teams of people working together. That said, we provide numerous team-building activities and events for you and your team to nurture meaningful relationships between every individual.
Loker ini dikelola oleh
Deskripsi pekerjaan Store Manager Zeta Bags Group
- Deliver excellent service to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction
- Motivate the sales team to meet sales objectives by training and mentoring staff
- Create business strategies to attract new customers, expand store traffic, and enhance profitability
- Hire, train, and oversee new staff
- Respond to customer complaints and concerns in a professional manner
- Ensure store compliance with health and safety regulations
- Develop and arrange promotional material and in-store displays
- Prepare detailed reports on buying trends, customer requirements, and profits
- Undertake store administration duties such as managing store budgets and updating financial records
- Bachelor's degree in Business Administration / Management or relevant field preferred
- A minimum of 3 years' experience working in a retail environment, ideally in a managerial role
- Strong leadership and customer management abilities
- Customer service-oriented with in-depth knowledge of basic business management processes.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Tips Aman Cari Kerja
Pemberi kerja yang benar tidak akan meminta akun Telegram, top-ups atau pembayaran dalam bentuk apapun. Jangan berikan kontak pribadi, informasi bank, maupun kartu kredit kamu.
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