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Spesialis Customer Support

IDR5.500.000 - 6.000.000/Bulan
Penuh Waktu · Kerja di kantor
Minimal Sarjana (S1)
1 - 3 tahun pengalaman
Lowongan ini telah ditutup


Kerja di kantor
1 - 3 tahun pengalaman
Minimal Sarjana (S1)
21-29 tahun


Working under pressure

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Support

English Language


Hard Worker

Tunjangan dan keuntungan

  • Acara team-building

    Our company simply cannot function well without teams of people working together. That said, we provide numerous team-building activities and events for you and your team to nurture meaningful relationships between every individual.

  • Opsi saham

    We generally give this to our loyal employees who serve the organisation for a certain specified period of time. Eligible employees are offered to buy our Company's shares at a discounted price.

  • Asuransi

    Unexpected things may happen at unexpected times. We cover basic insurance costs for you and your loved ones in case of emergencies or unfortunate events. You can also upgrade your plan any time you want.

  • Liburan & Cuti

    Feel a need for a short break from work? our company is quite flexible when it comes to leaves; be it for vacation, sick, personal, or mental health days. Simply discuss what you need and we will try to cater to those.

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Deskripsi pekerjaan Spesialis Customer Support

  • Respond to customer queries in a timely and accurate way via phone, email or chat
  • Identify customer needs and guide customers by using particular features
  • Analyze and report product malfunctions (for example, by testing different scenarios or impersonating users)
  • Monitor customer complaints on social media and reach out to provide assistance
  • Inform customers on any new features and its functions
  • Conduct after sales services
  • Follow up with customers to ensure their technical issues are resolved
Tentang Perusahaan
51 - 200 karyawan

Alamat kantor
Gold Coast Office, PIK, North Jakarta

Tips Aman Cari Kerja

Pemberi kerja yang benar tidak akan meminta akun Telegram, top-ups atau pembayaran dalam bentuk apapun. Jangan berikan kontak pribadi, informasi bank, maupun kartu kredit kamu.

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Spesialis Customer Support