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Secretary CEO (Internship)

IDR1.500.000 - 2.000.000/Bulan
Magang · Kerja di kantor
Minimal SMA/SMK
Pengalaman kurang dari 1 tahun
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Kerja di kantor
Pengalaman kurang dari 1 tahun
Minimal SMA/SMK
19-24 tahun
Perempuan saja

Tunjangan dan keuntungan

  • Makanan & minuman gratis

    Avoid wasting time and energy to buy food at the restaurant or hawker center by yourself. We'll provide the best food for you and your team. Make better use of your valuable time to rest, bond, and do other things that matter to you.

  • Asuransi kesehatan

    To ensure your health and wellbeing, you have various medical plans to choose from depending on your situation and unique needs. From partial up to full medical coverage, we got you covered.

  • Acara team-building

    Our company simply cannot function well without teams of people working together. That said, we provide numerous team-building activities and events for you and your team to nurture meaningful relationships between every individual.

  • Pertumbuhan karir

    Ever feel stuck with your career? We don't hire you simply because we needed to fill an empty slot. Together, we will help you shape and grow your career so you can progress further and rediscover your true sense of purpose at work.

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RLP Career
Online 12 jam yang lalu


Deskripsi pekerjaan Secretary CEO (Internship) Rumah Louie Project

Secretary Intern will participate in every CEO's and team's activities, includes coordinating various agendas, preparing for meetings and presentations, taking notes in meetings, and many other related tasks.

Job Description:
  • Schedule appointments, meetings, and reservations as needed
  • Taking notes in meetings
  • Manage communication with employees and clients
  • Maintain and order office supplies

Specific Qualification:
  • Female, max. 22 years old
  • Minimum education level: currently in college, high school, or vocational school. Majoring in management business is a plus
  • Social media handling and content creation
  • Available for a minimum of 3 (three) months internship duration.
Tentang Perusahaan
Rumah Louie Project
11 - 50 karyawan

Alamat kantor
Ruko Citra Lake Blok A3 – 01, Kedaung, Kec. Sawangan, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16516

Tips Aman Cari Kerja

Pemberi kerja yang benar tidak akan meminta akun Telegram, top-ups atau pembayaran dalam bentuk apapun. Jangan berikan kontak pribadi, informasi bank, maupun kartu kredit kamu.

Pelajari Selengkapnya
Laporkan Lowongan Ini

Secretary CEO (Internship)