PT. Adiprima Suraprinta primarily produce “Newsprint Paper” and “Writing and Printing Paper“. Our paper machines were imported from Europe in which we have annual capacity about 130.000 tonnes ( from total of 2 machines ), comprising 110.000 tonnes of Newsprint Paper and the rest 20.000 tonnes of Writing and Printing Paper.
We always aims to be a quality and customer’s satisfaction oriented paper manufacturer. The company continuously puts significant resources into implementing advanced technology and improving product quality. Here, we always think human resources as one of our critical success factors. Therefore, we never hesitate to improve on our human resources development. In order to improve human resources, we arrange different kinds of internal and external training programmes. All of our staff and workers always have opportunities to develop and continuously leverage on their abilities.
Alamat kantor
Jl. Raya Wringinanom No.Km. 30, RW.5, Sidomoro, Sumengko, Kec. Wringinanom, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur 61176
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