Host Live Streaming
Live Streaming
Marketing Communications
Tunjangan dan keuntungan
Bantuan tempat kerja
In need of a laptop or certain devices specifically for work? It's on us. We will provide the necessary tools that you need so you can focus on what you do best and get a job done.
Acara team-building
Our company simply cannot function well without teams of people working together. That said, we provide numerous team-building activities and events for you and your team to nurture meaningful relationships between every individual.
Pertumbuhan karir
Ever feel stuck with your career? We don't hire you simply because we needed to fill an empty slot. Together, we will help you shape and grow your career so you can progress further and rediscover your true sense of purpose at work.
Bantuan perumahan
For migrant workers, housing can be a worrisome issue. But worry not, we can help you find a place to stay and offer financial assistance to cover your housing expenses. Partially or fully.
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Deskripsi pekerjaan Host Live Streaming VONA
- Lingkungan kerja nyaman & kondusif.
- Mess karyawan.
- Mendapatkan bonus saat target tercapai.
- Minggu libur
- Melakukan live streaming penjualan produk di e-commerce & sosmed.
- Membuat report hasil live stream.
- Membantu menjadi talent untuk content (saat diperlukan).
- Berpengalaman sebagai host live min. 1 tahun (lebih diutamakan).
- Memiliki kepercayaan diri untuk tampil di depan kamera.
- Berpenampilan menarik.
- Mahir mengoperasikan sosial media (TikTok & Instagram).
- Terbiasa mengoperasikan aplikasi editing video pada smartphone (Capcut, VN, InShoot, dll).
- Terbiasa bekerja dengan target.
- Bersedia berkerja Senin - Sabtu (6 jam kerja, 1 jam istirahat)
- Bersedia berkerja Shifting (Shift paling pagi mulai di jam 8 pagi, shift paling malam selesai di jam 10 malam)
Proses Wawancara
- Interview HRD
- Interview User
- Test Psikotes & Test Live

Tips Aman Cari Kerja
Pemberi kerja yang benar tidak akan meminta akun Telegram, top-ups atau pembayaran dalam bentuk apapun. Jangan berikan kontak pribadi, informasi bank, maupun kartu kredit kamu.
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