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Digital Marketing Internship

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Minimal Sarjana (S1)
Pengalaman kurang dari 1 tahun
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Kerja di kantor
Pengalaman kurang dari 1 tahun
Minimal Sarjana (S1)

Loker ini dikelola oleh

PT.Texmura Nusantara
Online 12 jam yang lalu


Deskripsi pekerjaan Digital Marketing Internship PT Texmura

Job Descriptions
  • Mahasiswa semester akhir/Fresh Graduate
  • Menguasai Canva
  • Semua Jurusan
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai admin media sosial
  • Membuat Konten Menarik
  • Mampu mengelola data keperluan media sosial
  • Memiliki kemampuan editing video
  • Kemampuan bahasa inggris
  • Domisili Jabodetabek
  • IPK 3.30
  • Memiliki portofolio menjadi nilai tambah
Tentang Perusahaan
PT Texmura
11 - 50 karyawan
In 1986, PT Texmura was founded in Bandung, Indonesia, with a mission in developing waterproofing paint for housing. Over the years, our products and services have been developed into contractor service for a variety of sport facilities as well as decorative flooring for commercial and residential projects.
We believe every client deserves high quality safety, and aesthetics in the sphere of any sport court constructions and decorative concrete installments. Our goal is to bring out the best in providing quality products and services consistently which are capable of fulfilling various needs of our clients and end-users in diverse sectors, for instance, in commercial, residential, industrial, and infrastructural projects.
Become the leader in building safe and high-quality floor treatment specialists throughout Indonesia.
Consistent in providing high-quality products and services that can always be relied upon to satisfy consumer needs.
Alamat kantor
Jalan Dakota Raya Blok Q18, Kebon Kosong, Jakarta, 10630

Tips Aman Cari Kerja

Pemberi kerja yang benar tidak akan meminta akun Telegram, top-ups atau pembayaran dalam bentuk apapun. Jangan berikan kontak pribadi, informasi bank, maupun kartu kredit kamu.

Pelajari Selengkapnya
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Digital Marketing Internship