Diamas Star was founded in 1994, located in Tangerang, the city 35 km from the capital of Jakarta.
The art of glass-blowing which was founded back by the Egyptian thousand of years ago, was continued, developed and brought to Europe by the Romans. Diamas Star based its foundation and company's vision and mission on the rich history of glass making. Diamas Star and its divisions are producing hand-blown glass that are distinctive (no one products are exactly the same due to the unique production process), well-designed, and durable without ignoring the basic purpose and safety factors of our products.
Nowadays the company employs almost 400 people in the factory, divided in the individualized department of marketing, finance, production, R&D (research and development) and so on.
Jl. Industri Raya VIII No. 3 Pasir Jaya Jatiuwung kawasan industri jatake tangerang