Account Executive (Jakarta)
Tunjangan dan keuntungan
Pertumbuhan karir
Ever feel stuck with your career? We don't hire you simply because we needed to fill an empty slot. Together, we will help you shape and grow your career so you can progress further and rediscover your true sense of purpose at work.
Liburan & Cuti
Feel a need for a short break from work? our company is quite flexible when it comes to leaves; be it for vacation, sick, personal, or mental health days. Simply discuss what you need and we will try to cater to those.
Asuransi kesehatan
To ensure your health and wellbeing, you have various medical plans to choose from depending on your situation and unique needs. From partial up to full medical coverage, we got you covered.
Pengembangan profesional
Every employee is an invaluable asset to any team; that's why we want to help you grow. Level up your skills and expertise through our professional co-development programs with notable organizations. We will cover the cost.
Loker ini dikelola oleh
Deskripsi pekerjaan Account Executive (Jakarta) PT. Dayaguna Motor Indonesia
- W a n i t a, maksimal usia 35 tahun
- Minimal lulusan SMA/K sederajat
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Mempunya pengalaman minimal 2 (dua) tahun di bidang Otomotif lebih disukai
- Mempunya koneksi / jaringan Kabeng Dealer Mobil lebih disukai
- Memiliki kemampuan teknik penjualan / Sales Skill
- Memiliki kemampuan teknik presentasi & negosiasi
- Mempunya kendaraan sendiri & SIM A/C aktif
- Area penempatan: DKI Jakarta
Tips Aman Cari Kerja
Pemberi kerja yang benar tidak akan meminta akun Telegram, top-ups atau pembayaran dalam bentuk apapun. Jangan berikan kontak pribadi, informasi bank, maupun kartu kredit kamu.
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