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Intensive Program: Master The Basics of UI/UX Design Batch VII

Tanggal & Waktu
Selasa, 07 Des 2021, 12:30 - Kamis, 20 Jan 2022, 14:30
Tipe Kelas

Apa yang akan kamu dapatkan?

    Kesempatan membuat portfolio pertamamu
    Pengaplikasian materi melalui lembar kerja
    Pembelajaran berbasis proyek
    Sesi intensif bersama Expert
    Rekaman sesi
    Modul pembelajaran Expert

Poster kelas

Event Banner Picture

Expert di kelas ini

Principal UX Designer at Tech Company


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*Promo period: 23 November - 24 November 2021

*Maximum Discount : Rp120.000

Glints ExpertClass Intensive Program is a set of courses that provide an immersive learning experience where learners can gain a wide array of knowledge of a certain field. You will be equipped with various knowledge and skills across disciplines, aimed to foster your career journey to become an Expert.
By joining this series, you'll get permanent access to experts' learning materials, mini-project as your portfolio, become glints' network, and get connected to our recruiters also you'll become a UI/UX expert only in 4 weeks!
After finishing this Intensive Program, you are expected to be able to perform the end-to-end process of UI/UX Design. From conducting the research to transforming the findings into design and the final products. Learners will also get the big picture of things needed to develop their career in UI/UX field.

Meet The Expert!
Rio Husnady Hidayat , Principal Product Designer, currently working in one of e-commerce startups with 6+ years of experience in this field. (get to know the mentor through his LinkedIn profile!)

This course will consist of 9 online webinars, discussing the details below:
  1. Breaking into UI/UX Design World - 7 December 2021 (19.30 - 21.30 WIB)
  2. Discovering Problems - 10 December 2021 (19.30 - 21.30 WIB)
  3. Transforming Insights Into Idea Part 1 - 14 December 2021 (19.30 - 21.30 WIB)
  4. Transforming Insights Into Idea Part 2 - 17 December 2021 (19.30 - 21.30 WIB)
  5. Introduction to Interface Design - 21 December 2021 (19.30 - 21.30 WIB)
  6. Interface Design Practice - 11 Januari 2022 (19.30 - 21.30 WIB)
  7. Validating Your Idea - 14 Januari 2022 (19.30 - 21.30 WIB)
  8. Portfolio & Career - 20Januari 2022 (19.30 - 21.30 WIB)

This class is highly suggested for:
  • Fresh graduate and Job Seekers
  • Entry to Mid-level Professionals
  • Anyone who interested in UI/UX Design topics

What will you get?
  • 8 sessions in 4 weeks
  • Get connected to Glints' network and our recruiters
  • Mini projects to build your portfolio
  • Permanent access to learning materials
  • Live QnA with Experts during the sessions
  • E-certificate for your credential

General Terms and Conditions:
  • This program will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia
  • This program will be held via zoom (don’t forget to download and sign up for zoom account before the event start)
  • After finish your payment please go to “dapatkan link zoom” and fill your google form, after you complete the form our team will shortly contact you through email and give link access to join the class.
  • You are encouraged to use your personal email during the registration so we could proceed to send you the e-certificate directly to your email
  • Shall you have any questions, you may contact the PIC at [email protected] for further assistance about this event