Store Crew
IDR1,500,000 - 15,000,100/Month
Internship · On-site
Minimum Senior/Vocational High School
Less than a year of experience
This job was closed
Job Requirements
Less than a year of experience
Minimum Senior/Vocational High School
This job post is managed by
PT Global Ritel DIGITAL
Job description for Store Crew at PT Global Ritel Digital
- Minimal pendidikan SMA/SMK sederajat
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman menjadi store staff/kasir selama 1 tahun
- Bersedia penempatan di Pekanbaru
- Wajib berdomisili di Pekanbaru
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
- Bertanggung jawab atas pemajangan barang (Display) dan pemenuhan dari gudang toko ke area penjualan
- Melakukan pengawasan ke para pembeli untuk mencegah terjadinya pencurian
- Memberikan informasi dan penawaran progam promosi
- Melaksanakan stock opname secara rutin
- Melakukan pengecekan dan sorting barang yang hampir habis masa kadaluarsa
- Merawat dan mengoperasikan alat-alat yang ada di toko
About the company
ScanAndgo is an online+offline retail and wholesale store. Make it easy for wholesalers and retailers to grow their business, with a powerful platform, easy use of platform and has a function of market analysis and report analysis. with this function management will have a valid information data to make a fast and critical decision.
Office address
Synergy Building Lt. 11 Unit 9 Jl. Jalur Sutera Barat Kav. 17, Alam Sutera, Panuggangan Timur, Pinang Kota Tangerang 15143Glints Safety Tips
Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.
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