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IDR1,500,000 - 2,100,000/Month
Contract · On-site
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
Less than a year of experience
Posted 8 months agoUpdated 22 days ago

Job Requirements

Less than a year of experience
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree

Job benefits

  • Workstation assistance

    Laptop or desktop? We don’t mind! As long as you’re happy with the tool to help you!

  • Medical insurance

    Cover preventive care at no cost to you; all offer generous coverage for prescription medications; and all provide the financial protection you need in the event of a major illness or injury

  • Professional Development

    Reimburses qualified educational expenses for you who take classes through accredited institutions

  • Career growth

    Take your knowledge to the next level with our assistance program

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HRD EZ Group
Online 2 days ago


Job description for Staff Keuangan at PT. EZDigital Logistik Santara

  • Melakukan rekapitulasi dan pencairan data rekonsiliasi.
  • Melakukan pencatatan barang masuk dan barang keluar (inbound-outbound)
  • Mengelola petty cash untuk kebutuhan operasional harian.
  • Menyusun laporan penggunaan petty cash secara periodik.
  • Melakukan penagihan kepada klien
  • Membuat PO, invoice, dan term of payment
  • Berkoordinasi dengan bagian Finance untuk melaporkan pencatatan
  • Memantau dan melaksanakan tanggung jawab sebagai accounting gudang
1. Pendidikan minimal S1 di bidang Akuntansi, Keuangan, atau bidang terkait.
2. Pengalaman kerja minimal 6 bulan di posisi yang sama.
3. Menguasai Microsoft Excel dan software akuntansi (diutamakan).
4. Memiliki Kemampuan analitis yang baik dan detail-oriented.
5. Komunikatif dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.
6. Jujur dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan.
7. Penempatan kerja di Kuningan, Jawa Barat
About the company
PT. EZDigital Logistik Santara
51 - 200 employees
PT. EZDigital Logistik Santara is a company that provides a fulfillment platform service called EZPick Up. The company collaborates with warehouse partners managed by Cv. Fastrans Logistindo, a company that focuses on providing fulfillment warehouse services for SMEs in both the E-commerce and non-E-commerce sectors.
PT. EZDigital Logistik Santara adalah sebuah perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan platform fulfillment bernama EZPick Up. Perusahaan ini bekerja sama dengan mitra gudang yang dikelola oleh Cv. Fastrans Logistindo, sebuah perusahaan yang fokus pada penyediaan layanan gudang fulfillment bagi UMKM di sektor E-commerce dan non E-commerce
Office address
Jl. Siliwangi No.265, Cijoho, Kec. Kuningan, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat 45513
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Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.

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