Sales Marketing (Penempatan Madiun)
Job Requirements
Analytical Skills
Positive Attitude
Presentation Skills
Active Learning
Public Speaking
Customer Service
Job benefits
Professional Development
Reimburses qualified educational expenses for you who take classes through accredited institutions
Gifts & Vouchers
Chance to receive gifts & vouchers
Workstation assistance
Laptop or desktop? We don’t mind! As long as you’re happy with the tool to help you!
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Job description for Sales Marketing (Penempatan Madiun) at PT Cahaya Andhika Tamara (CUN) Madiun
- Pria atau Wanita
- Suka berjualan
- Suka ber-Media sosial
- Aktif dan Komunikatif
- Ada pendampungan dan bimbingan oleh koordinator marketing yang berpengalaman
- Ada training gratis dan diajari berjualan sampai sukses
- Uang transport
- Insentif penjualan
- Bonus Penjualan

Glints Safety Tips
Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.
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