Sales International
Company prefers not to disclose
Full-Time · On-site
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
1 - 3 years of experience
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Job Requirements
1 - 3 years of experience
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
This job post is managed by
Maya Kumalasari
Online yesterday
Job description for Sales International at PT Spectrum UniTec
Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan minimal S1 dari semua jurusan
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun pada bidang kerja yang berkaitan dengan racking system, storage system, retail equipment, shop-fitting, door system (diutamakan)
- Lancar berbahasa Inggris (mahir dalam bahasa asing tambahan menjadi nilai lebih)
- Memiliki kemampuan dalam melayani dan membina hubungan baik dengan customer
- Memiliki kemampuan public speaking, komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas
- Bersedia di tempatkan di Head Office (Jatiuwung, Kota Tangerang)
About the company
Established in the year 2000, SPECTRUM UniTec has earned a reputation in the industry for providing high-quality products. This has allowed us to expand the business to commercial, industrial, and retail sectors. Now, SPECTRUM UniTec is the trusted provider for many local, as well as international companies. For further information about our products, please visit us on:
Office address
Jl. Telesonic 7 Tangerang 15136Glints Safety Tips
Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.
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