Quality Assurance (QA)
IDR5,500,000 - 6,500,000/Month
Full-Time · On-site
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
1 - 3 years of experience
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Job Requirements
1 - 3 years of experience
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
Lean Manufacturing
Laboratory Skills
Quality Control
This job post is managed by
PT Mega Inovasi Organik
Online yesterday
Job description for Quality Assurance (QA) at PT Mega Inovasi Organik
Posisi ini bertanggung jawab dalam memastikan kualitas produk sesuai standar yang ditetapkan, mendukung keberhasilan audit, serta menyusun dokumentasi dan pelaporan secara akurat. Ini juga mencakup inisiatif perbaikan berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk dan proses.
Tanggung Jawab Utama:
- Pengelolaan dan Implementasi SOP Mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Memastikan SOP selalu relevan, terupdate, dan diterapkan dengan baik oleh semua pihak terkait.
- Keberhasilan Audit dan Penyelesaian Temuan Mendukung kelancaran audit internal dan eksternal. Menindaklanjuti dan menyelesaikan temuan audit dengan langkah yang sesuai dan tepat waktu.
- Dokumentasi dan Pelaporan Mengelola dokumen kualitas seperti CoA, laporan inspeksi, dan validasi. Membuat laporan hasil audit, evaluasi GMP, CCP, OPRP, dan proyek lainnya. Memastikan semua laporan dan dokumentasi tersedia secara akurat dan tepat waktu.
- Continuous Improvement Menginisiasi perbaikan berkelanjutan terhadap sistem dan proses untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk. Melakukan evaluasi dan uji coba pada proyek baru yang berkaitan dengan peningkatan efisiensi atau kualitas.
- Koordinasi dan Penyampaian Informasi Memastikan ketepatan dan kejelasan penyampaian informasi kepada tim internal, buyer, dan pihak terkait lainnya. Berkoordinasi dengan departemen QC Plant, Lab, Purchasing, dan Exim untuk memastikan kelancaran operasional
Tanggung Jawab Teknis Tambahan:
- Membuat label produk dan draft coding.
- Mengatur pengiriman sampel bahan baku dan produk jadi ke laboratorium atau buyer.
- Berkoordinasi untuk pelaksanaan kalibrasi alat, swab personel, dan alat kerja sesuai jadwal.
- Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 Teknologi Pangan, Kimia, Biologi, atau bidang terkait.
- Berpengalaman di bidang QA/QC minimal 2 tahun (lebih disukai di industri makanan).
- Pemahaman mendalam t entang GMP, HACCP, ISO, dan standar mutu lainnya.
- Kemampuan dokumentasi, analisis, dan pemecahan masalah yang baik.
- Komunikatif, detail, dan memiliki inisiatif tinggi untuk perbaikan berkelanjutan.
Cibubur CBD
About the company
The Company
We hold the belief that business is a force for good.
Together with our farmers, we develop organic products and supply chain based on the values of sustainability, fairness, and community development. We cooperate with more than 2500 organic farmers in various regions in Indonesia such in Java, Bali and East Nusa Tenggara. All products come directly from organic farmlands.
Our Vision
To develop integrated organic farmlands with our farmer partners by producing organic products based on fair trade relationship and support the sustainability of the farms.
Integrated Organic Project
Every farmer in our farmlands has an average of 500 m² of organic farmland that is used to cultivate various organic products.
By collaborating with our farmers, we produce organic products such as mango, passion fruit, snake fruit, pepper, ginger, turmeric, vanilla, cacao and many more in development. We believe that this integrated organic farmland concept helps raise our farmers’ income and improve their welfare.
Internal Control System
We maintain the quality of our organic products by using the Internal Control System (ICS). This system enables us to track down the production lines to the very beginning and improve the traceability of our productsOur company is built upon a vision to help traditional farmers in Indonesia to live above the poverty line by opening a gate for their artisanal organic products to enter the international market. We believe that the first thing needed is to bring the products to meet international standards for quality.
We maintain the quality of our organic products by using the Internal Control System (ICS). This system enables us to track down the production lines to the very beginning and improve the traceability of our products.
Our farmers work in a group of 20 to 30 and each group has a leader who is fully responsible of their members. Regular meetings with the groups are held by our field officers from the Internal Control System (ICS) team. They give mentoring and counselling sessions about organic production methods and assist them during the first steps of the production process: from the cultivation of the crops, the organic production steps, all the way to product handling and labelling process before being transported to our warehouse.
From these direct meetings with the farmers, we are able to monitor the production process down to the very beginning, identify the problem on the grass roots, and improve the traceability of our products.
Office address
Dusun Sempu Desa Bumirejo, Lendah, KulonprogoGlints Safety Tips
Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.
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