Mandarin Translator (Jubir Lapangan)
IDR8,000,000 - 10,000,000/Month
Full-Time · Hybrid
Minimum Associate Degree
1 - 3 years of experience
This job was closed
Job Requirements
1 - 3 years of experience
Minimum Associate Degree
20-40 years old
Male only
This job post is managed by

PT Luas Semesta Abadi
Online 12 hours ago
Job description for Mandarin Translator (Jubir Lapangan) at PT Luas Semesta Abadi
- Diutamakan Laki-laki 优先男性
- Usia maksimal: 40 tahun 年龄上限:40岁
- Diutamakan domisili Jawa Barat 优先居住在西爪哇地区
- Diutamakan Pernah bekerja sebagai Mandarin Translator/Jubir 优先有担任过中文翻译/发言人经验
- Diutamakan Pernah bekerja di Industri Konstruksi 优先有在建筑行业工作的经验
- Dapat mengemudi 会驾驶车辆
- Dapat bergabung segera 能尽快入职
- Penempatan: Cikarang 工作地点:Cikarang
About the company

1 - 10 employees
PT Luas Semesta Abadi offers a variety of construction services, including the construction of office buildings, industrial buildings, as well as electrical installations for buildings and factories. With its experience and qualifications, the company is committed to providing high-quality construction services that meet industry standards.
Office address
Jl. H. Saidan No.12, Kamal Muara, Kec. Penjaringan, Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14470Glints Safety Tips
Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.
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