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IDR4,800,000 - 6,000,000/Month
Full-Time · On-site
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
1 - 3 years of experience
Posted 3 months agoUpdated 13 days ago

Job Requirements

1 - 3 years of experience
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree


Office Administration

Stock Opname

Management Reporting


Cash Flow Management

This job post is managed by

Devin Priyo
Online yesterday

Job description for Kepala Administrasi at PT. Nikos Distribution Indonesia

PT Nikos Distribution Indonesia adalah distributor produk PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry Tbk. Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan untuk posisi Kepala Adiministrasi dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
  • Pendidikan minimal S1 di bidang Administrasi, Manajemen, atau terkait
  • Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di posisi serupa (Level SPV)
  • Memiliki kemampuan manajerial dan kepemimpinan yang baik
  • Teliti, detail, dan memiliki kemampuan analitis
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan memiliki kemampuan multitasking
  • Menguasai aplikasi perkantoran (Ms. Office, khususnya Excel)
  • Memiliki komunikasi yang baik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab
  • Mengontrol dan memonitor seluruh kegiatan tim admin di Kantor Perwakilan.
  • Membuat laporan bulanan cash opname, stock opname, analisa umur piutang dan bank rekonsiliasi satu bulan sekali.
  • Melakukan pencatatan absen sebelum berakhirnya jadwal proses mid month.
  • Membuat proses mid month dan end month untuk keperluan pembayaran komisi dan gaji.
  • Memonitor, mengevaluasi, dan memastikan pencapaian target over due piutang.
  • Melakukan pendaftaran id Karyawan dan fasilitas yang mengikutinya.
  • Membuat laporan bulanan mengenai budget, cash flow, realisasi biaya vs budget.
  • Mengatur operasional gudang termasuk didalamnya pengiriman barang.
Hati-hati penipuan, PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry Tbk dan distributor PT. Nikos Distribution Indonesia tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan pihak travel dan tidak memungut biaya selama proses rekrutmen.
About the company
PT. Nikos Distribution Indonesia
Food & Beverages
501 - 1000 employees
We manufacture and sell a wide range of UHT fresh dairy products, fresh ready-to-drink tea, and fresh fruit juices.
Up to today, we are the pioneer and Indonesia’s leading producer of aseptic dairy products and beverages for consumers throughout the country under some well-known brands such as Ultra Milk for dairy products, Teh Kotak, Sari Kacang Ijo, Sari Asem Asli for Healthy Drink product, and some other beverages for export.
Our Mother brand, Ultra Milk, has been able to maintain its leadership in the Liquid Milk Segment over a long period, just as Teh Kotak in the RTD tea- in- carton segment.
Our plant is strategically located in the center of the rich agricultural hinterland of Bandung which provides it with an abundant and reliable source of high quality, fresh ingredients, from milk to tea and tropical fruits.
The freshness of these ingredients as well as their natural, nutritional quality is preserved through an Ultra High Temperature (UHT) process and the latest aseptic packaging technology without adding any preservatives.
Nowadays, 90 percent of the company’s total production volume is sold domestically throughout Indonesia, while the remainder is exported to various countries in Asia, Europe and The Middle East, as well as Australia and The United States of America. The products sold to local and export markets are identical.
Office address
Jl Pulokambing II, No. 22, Jatinegara, Kec. Cakung, Jakarta Timur

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