k3 Umum
IDR4,000,000 - 5,500,000/Month
Full-Time · On-site
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
1 - 3 years of experience
Posted 24 days agoUpdated 24 days ago
Job Requirements
1 - 3 years of experience
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
Time Management
General K3
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PT Infion Pharmaceutical Company
Online 3 days ago
Job description for k3 Umum at PT Infion
Mengenali Bahaya: Ahli K3 akan mencari tahu semua hal yang bisa membahayakan di tempat kerja, seperti mesin yang rusak, bahan kimia berbahaya, atau kondisi lingkungan yang tidak aman.
Mencegah Kecelakaan: Setelah mengetahui bahaya, Ahli K3 akan membuat aturan dan prosedur untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan. Misalnya, mewajibkan penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) atau membuat tanda peringatan.
Memberikan Pelatihan: Ahli K3 akan mengajarkan kepada semua karyawan tentang keselamatan kerja. Mereka akan menjelaskan bagaimana menggunakan alat dengan benar, bagaimana menghadapi situasi darurat, dan pentingnya mengikuti aturan.
Melakukan Inspeksi: Ahli K3 akan secara rutin memeriksa tempat kerja untuk memastikan semuanya aman. Mereka akan memperbaiki atau mengganti peralatan yang rusak dan memastikan semua aturan dipatuhi.
Menyelidiki Kecelakaan: Jika terjadi kecelakaan, Ahli K3 akan menyelidiki penyebabnya dan mencari tahu bagaimana mencegahnya terulang kembali.
Memiliki sertifikasi ahli K3 Umum
About the company

Infion Pharma is an Indonesian pharmaceutical company located in Pandaan, East Java, was established on 2008. With the main vision of making Indonesia self reliant and self sufficient in healthcare. So the quality of the Indonesian's health became more assured, through the presence of Infion Pharma product which high quality and international standardized.
To improve the quality of their products, in addition to a variety of innovations, Infion Pharma has always get involved in investing to develop sophisticated technology, as well as continuous research in order to create a high quality products with an affordable price. Besides to reach the domestic products, Infion Pharma is also active to sell their products to other countries. This expansion proves that Indonesian products are also able to compete in global markets, so that the positive benefits of the products can be enjoyed by more and more people both domestically and internationally.
Infion Pharma at present produces only ethical products and are planning to expand to other range of various therapeutic areas. With the continuous development, expected to be more and more new products that could be offered and can bring positive benefits to the people.
In developing its products, Infion Pharma also always active in the aspect of standardization, as well as implementing Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) and Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP), so that the resulting product standardization can be responsibility and used with a healthy and safe for users.
With all the experience, facilities, technology, human resources, as well as the standardization that has been owned, Infion Pharma is interested in partnership opportunity with other manufactures, having capabilities in product portfolio in key of therapeutic areas. This synergy will be a compliment for us to broaden our product ranges together with our partners include marketing and distribution partners,pharmaceutical companies and MDDI ( Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry ) manufactures from the worldwide
Office address
Jl. Raya Kasri 153, Tawang Rejo Pandaan, Pasuruan Jawa Timur 67156 INDONESIACompany gallery

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