Asiacommerce Network is a Global Sourcing & Cross Border Logistic company that helps to improve Brands & Business for better Procurement, Supply Chains, Digital Marketing & Fulfllment in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipine and Singapore. We pride ourselves as an End-to-End Solution for any Brands & Business who want to Product Sourcing Solutions from China and Indonesia (two biggest Low Cost Country in Asia now) while at the same time providing Cross Border & Fulfillment Solutions for any Brands & Business who like to do Market Entry in South East Asia Countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore (more countries coming soon..).
Asia Commerce Network understands that each business is different and we will do Sourcing & Procurement Consultation, Importing Consultation or Exporting Consulation, Market Entry Consulation, Ecommerce & Marketplace Development Consultation and Digital Marketing Consultation to determine the needs of your Business for the current state and give the best recommendations to reduce Capital Expenditure and achieve highest ROI.
Gedung Jansen Grosir Lantai 5, Jl. Karet No. 45, Bongkaran, Kec. Pabean Cantikan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60161