Host Live
Job Requirements
Job benefits
Team-building events
Build camaraderie and trust within the company
Gifts & Vouchers
Chance to receive gifts & vouchers
Professional Development
Reimburses qualified educational expenses for you who take classes through accredited institutions
Flexible work hours
Have the flexibility to get work done on your time and in a way that accommodates your lifestyle
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Job description for Host Live at Aneka Textile
- Menghadirkan siaran langsung yang menarik dan menghibur kepada audiens.
- Berinteraksi secara aktif dengan audiens melalui chat dan komentar.
- Menyampaikan konten dengan jelas dan memikat menggunakan kemampuan berbicara yang baik.
- Memahami tren dan topik yang sedang populer untuk menarik minat audiens.
- Memastikan kelancaran teknis selama siaran langsung.
- Mempromosikan dan memperkenalkan produk atau layanan perusahaan kepada audiens.

Glints Safety Tips
Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.
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