Field Marketing Support
Company prefers not to disclose
Full-Time · On-site
1 - 3 years of experience
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Job Requirements
1 - 3 years of experience
Minimum Associate Degree
18-30 years old
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Online 2 days ago
Job description for Field Marketing Support at Pt Rpay Finansial Digital Indonesia
Tugas & Tanggung Jawab :
- Membantu kelancaran acara promosi Yourpay di lapangan bersama dengan petugas terkait
- Menguasai produk Yourpay secara menyeluruh agar dapat memberikan pemahaman & edukasi kepada calon user
- Membantu administrasi terkait seluruh pendataan kegiatan acara promosi
- Memastikan kegiatan promosi berjalan dengan lancar
- Membuat / mengupdate materi kegiatan promosi Yourpay
- Memastikan marketing tools yg dibutuhkan selalu tersedia – inventory stocking
- Berkoordinasi dengan tim internal maupun external untuk memastikan setiap kegiatan promosi & edukasi berlangsung lancar
Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan minimal D3 bidang ilmu komunikasi / manajemen / marketing / broadcasting
- Pengalaman dalam field marketing minimal 1 tahun, fresh graduate are welcome
- Berdomisili di Jabodetabek (diutamakan)
- Mampu mengkomunikasikan keunggulan produk perusahaan kepada calon user
- Kooperatif, mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Menyukai pekerjaan lapangan
- Bersedia untuk ditugaskan keluar kota jika diperlukan
About the company
Yourpay is a digital wallet mobile app whose mission is to empower and boost financial inclusion and literacy for many underserved Indonesians at home and abroad which majority are WOMEN.
We strive to be the change agent that enables banking system for the unbanked & underbanked, and we operate on the following beliefs:
1. We are beyond FinTech because our innovations are driven with a constant question: “how can we improve the livelihood of our community (Indonesians at home & abroad?”
2. We see the humans behind our users, and not only as merely numerical transactions. We feel their needs and necessities, and devote to building technology products that goes linear with our growth.
3. We position ourselves as a “trusted friend” of all Indonesians, whom they can reach out to easily. We empower them to gain direct controls in handling their personal finances.
Yourpay application was launched on Google Play Store in 2020.
Office address
Midpoint Place Jl. H. Fachrudin No.26, RT.9/RW.5, Kp. Bali, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10250Glints Safety Tips
Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.
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