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IDR2,000,000 - 3,000,000/Month
Full-Time · On-site
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
1 - 3 years of experience
Posted 4 months agoUpdated 17 days ago

Job Requirements

1 - 3 years of experience
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
25-45 years old
Male only

Job benefits

  • Professional Development

    Reimburses qualified educational expenses for you who take classes through accredited institutions

  • Vacation & Leaves

    You can take as many vacations, sick, personal, or mental health days as you need, so long as your manager approves your time off

  • Career growth

    Take your knowledge to the next level with our assistance program

  • Workstation assistance

    Laptop or desktop? We don’t mind! As long as you’re happy with the tool to help you!

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Online 5 days ago


Job description for Drafter at PT. HARDIAN KARYA KONSTRUKSI

- Pria
- Lulusan S1- Teknik Sipil
- Minimal berpengalaman selama 2 tahun sebagai Estimator Project
- Dapat menggunakan Autocad, SketchUp dan aplikasi desain lainnya
- Dapat Membuat RAB & RAP
- Mampu Membuat Gambar Bangunan
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Siap Bekerja dilapangan dan bertanggung jawab
- Mampu menganalisis lapangan dengan baik
- Jujur dan berperilaku baik

Interview process

1. Tahap awal pelamar diundang berdasarkan kualifikasi
2. Wawancara tahap awal bersama HR
3. Psikotes
4. Wawancara bersama Direksi
About the company
11 - 50 employees
PT. Hardian Karya Konstruksi berkomitmen untuk senantiasa memberikan prioritas kepada pelanggan secara profesional, berintegritas serta memperhatikan standar K3 dan lingkungan kerja.
Office address
Jl. Margaluyu Kp Munjul RT 016.Rw.009 Kelurahan Munjuljaya Kecamatan Purwakarta 41117

Glints Safety Tips

Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.

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