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Desain Grafis

Company prefers not to disclose
Full-Time · On-site
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
1 - 3 years of experience
This job was closed

Job Requirements

1 - 3 years of experience
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
18-35 years old


3D Design

UI Design

Adobe Illustrator

Canva Design

UX Design

Adobe Photoshop

Job benefits

  • Team-building events

    Build camaraderie and trust within the company

  • Career growth

    Take your knowledge to the next level with our assistance program

  • Workstation assistance

    Laptop or desktop? We don’t mind! As long as you’re happy with the tool to help you!

  • Wellness

    A range of self-help services to support you in stressful situations

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Online 17 hours ago

Job description for Desain Grafis at DIGIKIDZ

Job Descriptions
  • Membuat dan merancang materi branding atau iklan
  • Membuat materi iklan cetak dan digital
  • Mengembangkan Visual Utama dan Materi Pendukung untuk Kampanye Pemasaran
  • Membantu dalam pengelolaan situs web, buletin, dan lainny
  • Mendesain materi grafis, penjualan, dan pemasaran, misalnya EDM / Poster / Spanduk / Display Penjualan
  • Mengelola Desain dari Konsep hingga Produksi
  • Berinteraksi dengan percetakan eksternal atau kontraktor/pemasok untuk memastikan kualitas terbaik dan pemenuhan tenggat waktu
  • Mendokumentasikan dengan baik semua file desain
Job Requirements
  • Pendidikan minimal S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual (Fokus Bidang Studi Visual Branding)
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
  • Terampil dalam fotografi dan videografi
  • Pengetahuan tentang produksi cetak, kode warna, format, dll.
  • Pengetahuan tentang pengeditan fotografi di Adobe Photoshop, Filmora atau Lightroom dan Aplikasi design Lainnya
About the company
51 - 200 employees
Established in 2001 with a vision to provide fun learning environment for children to learn Multimedia Technology dan explore Creativity since early age. Now DIGIKIDZ has 13 centers and join partnership with International and National Plus Schools in Multimedia Computer, Robot and Modern Electronic extra & intra curricular program. In 2007, DIGIKIDZ successfully developed franchise system and leverage the company into DIGIKIDZ franchise business in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bandung, Solo and Bali. DIGIKIDZ dreams are the Indonesian children have high confidence because their mastering the technology from an early age and later their work at one of the cafe in Serpong or Solo, but the job come from all over the world and their paid by dollars.
Office address
Ruko BSD Sektor IV, Blok RD No. 69, BSD City, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15322, ID
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Desain Grafis