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Customer Relationship Officer

IDR1,500,000 - 3,000,000/Month
Contract · On-site
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
Less than a year of experience
Posted 3 months agoUpdated 20 days ago

Job Requirements

Less than a year of experience
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree


Marketing Communications

Customer Service


Job benefits

  • Gifts & Vouchers

    Chance to receive gifts & vouchers

  • Team-building events

    Build camaraderie and trust within the company

  • Medical insurance

    Cover preventive care at no cost to you; all offer generous coverage for prescription medications; and all provide the financial protection you need in the event of a major illness or injury

  • Career growth

    Take your knowledge to the next level with our assistance program

This job post is managed by

Potensi Insan Berdaya
Online 4 days ago

Job description for Customer Relationship Officer at Potensi Insan Berdaya

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Membangun hubungan baik dengan pelanggan, melaksanakan komunikasi persuasif dalam menawarkan produk/layanan perusahaan agar calon pelanggan menggunakan jasa yang ditawarkan, tekun dan sabar dalam handling complain pelanggan dan memberikan pelayanan yang solutif.

  1. D3/S1 Semua Jurusan
  2. Memiliki Pengalaman di bidang yang sama menjadi nilai plus
  3. Komunikatif, responsif, dan memiliki kemampuan negosiasi
  4. Customer & goal oriented
  5. Good Grooming
  6. Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun secara tim
  7. Penempatan Sidoarjo
About the company
Potensi Insan Berdaya
Human Resources
51 - 200 employees
Potensi Insan Berdaya is a professional Human Capital Management institution dedicated to recruit, select, and develop the best and most competent human resources for various industries. The organization serves as a key partner in providing talented candidates tailored for the specific needs of their client companies.
Office address
Jl. Perum Wisma Trosobo IV/33, Kec. Taman, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, 61257, Indonesia

Glints Safety Tips

Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.

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Customer Relationship Officer