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Content Creator - Product Specialist

Full-Time · On-site
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
1 - 3 years of experience
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Job Requirements

1 - 3 years of experience
Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
Female only


Instagram Marketing


Photo Editing

Instagram Ads

Content Creation

Video Editing



Film & Video Production

Adobe Photoshop

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PT. Karadenta Estetika Indonesia HRD
Online 9 days ago

Job description for Content Creator - Product Specialist at PT. Karadenta Estetika Indonesia

  1. Wanita maks. 30 tahun (Belum Menikah)
  2. Aktif di Sosial Media, terutama Instagram & Tiktok
  3. Pendidikan SLTA/ Sederajat, D3/ S1
  4. Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan
  5. Mengerti dan paham copywriting & keyword konten sosial media
  6. Memiliki basic Photography & Videography
  7. Menguasai aplikasi editing foto (Photoshop, dll) atau video (Capcut dll)
  8. Mampu menganalisa konten sebagai bahan evaluasi
  9. Memiliki ide-ide kreatif serta selera gaya yang baik dan detail
  10. Mengikuti tren dunia produk kecantikan
  11. Memiliki kemampuan membuat konten dari awal proses sampai posting
  12. Mampu bekerja secara tim
  13. Bekerja jujur, teliti, cermat, ulet, disiplin, bertanggung jawab dan efektif
  14. Good Attitude dan Good Manner

About the company
KARADENTA understands that every individual has different facial skin problems, so it is our duty to provide BPOM Certified products and excellent beauty clinic service. KARADENTA is tailored to the benefit needs of each consumer to get healthy skin. KARADENTA is a trusted skincare and beauty clinic for her and him. At KARADENTA, we only use the best ingredients, modern technology, along with safe and hygienic during the process and service. Because "YOUR BEAUTY IS OUR DUTY"
Office address
Jl. Brigadir Jend. Katamso No. 33A RT 05 RW 09 Cihaurgeulis, Kec. Cibeunying Kaler Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40122

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Content Creator - Product Specialist