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Cashier Teller

IDR2,800,000 - 3,000,000/Month
Full-Time · On-site
Minimum Senior/Vocational High School
Less than a year of experience
This job was closed

Job Requirements

Less than a year of experience
Minimum Senior/Vocational High School
18-25 years old


Customer Service

Marketing Communications

Customer Relations


Microsoft Excel

Customer Satisfaction

Internal Communications

Analytical Skills

Communication Skills

Microsoft Office

Time Management

Strong Communication Skills

Job benefits

  • Team-building events

    Build camaraderie and trust within the company

  • Career growth

    Take your knowledge to the next level with our assistance program

  • Vacation & Leaves

    You can take as many vacations, sick, personal, or mental health days as you need, so long as your manager approves your time off

  • Gifts & Vouchers

    Chance to receive gifts & vouchers

This job post is managed by

Dolarku Money Changer
Online 3 days ago

Job description for Cashier Teller at Dolarku Money Changer

Job Deskripsi :
1. Melayani transaksi nasabah dengan cepat dan akurat
2. Menangani pertanyaan dan keluhan nasabah
3. Mematuhi peraturan dan prosedur
4. Melakukan entry data dan tugas administratif lainnya
Kualifikasi :
1. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
2. Memiliki skill service oriented yang tinggi
3. Bisa mengoprasikan komputer (diutamakan EXCEL)
4. Teliti, jujur, bertanggung jawab, dan mudah beradaptasi
5. Mampu bekerja mandiri / tim
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di cabang mana saja
About the company
Dolarku Money Changer
11 - 50 employees
PT Pusat Valas Asia, bergerak dibidang penukaran valuta asing sejak tahun 2020.
Office address
Office : Citra raya boulevard Ruko Bellini No.10R, Cikupa, Tangerang Regency, Banten Our Branches : - ITC BSD - Citra Raya - Bekasi - Pasar Minggu

Glints Safety Tips

Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.

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Cashier Teller