Admin Sales Support
Job Requirements
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Job benefits
Medical insurance
Cover preventive care at no cost to you; all offer generous coverage for prescription medications; and all provide the financial protection you need in the event of a major illness or injury
Team-building events
Build camaraderie and trust within the company
Career growth
Take your knowledge to the next level with our assistance program
A range of self-help services to support you in stressful situations
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Job description for Admin Sales Support at Warna Gemilang Lancar
- Pria/Wanita, ramah, teliti, cekatan
- Min. lulusan SMA/SMK, diutamakan dari administrasi/akuntansi
- Pengalaman admin penjualan jadi nilai tambah
- Terampil Microsoft Office, terutama Excel
- Bersedia kerja shift dan hari libur di outlet yang ditentukan
- Memiliki KTP aktif
- Usia maksimal 30 tahun

Glints Safety Tips
Legitimate employers won’t ask for contact Telegram or any kind of top-ups or payment. Do not provide your messaging app contacts, bank details, or credit card information.
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